
Isobotanical is a new graphic series derived from my ongoing research about the dimension between 2D and 3D. The word “Isobotanical” is a combination of isometric and botanical, which states the two main visual components in the series.

Isometric painting is widely used in architecture sketch as a way of revealing the layout and concept hidden by 2-point and 3-point perspective human eyes normally see. Isometric painting is created with no perspective by design. Without perspective and vanishing point, artist introduces a new way of viewing including visual illusion and object belonging to 2 dimensions.

The compression preserves the impossible object in 2D, and it also guides me to the other component in Isobotanical series, the botanical. botanical illustration is a form of documenting plants reproduced from specimens and references. Specimens and botanical illustration have a similar characteristic of compression as isometric painting.

I was fascinated by the meaning under the surface of botanical illustration and isometric painting. Both of them show an idea of preserving and documenting. However, what exactly are they trying to preserve, or is there still anything left for them to preserve? In the era of internet, people always seeking for new stuff and seldom slow down to really digest the meaning in an object and look back to the object we saw, which makes me feel shallow and lost.

Therefore, I fuse this two components, isometric painting and botanical illustration, which often considered old and still to become a new carrier for me to slow down the pace we see the world. The contradiction, the stance of plant, the language of plant, the symbolism, all of these narratives being composed and compress into these 2 dimension monuments, waiting for people to decode, to feel and to love them.

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Isobotanical series by JoJo Chuang